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12 Winning Ecommerce PPC Tips To Maximize ROI

tips & advice Feb 29, 2024
Ecommerce PPC Tips

Are your conversions beginning to tank despite investing a large sum in Google PPC ads? Does your eCommerce site get traffic you can only describe as “could be better?”

Whichever one of these questions you’ve said “yes” to, optimizing your eCommerce PPC campaigns is an essential part of maximizing your marketing ROI.

Besides driving potential customers to your eCommerce store, improving your eCommerce paid search campaigns can significantly improve conversions and your visibility to other potential customers.

Where do you even begin? Stick around as we at Kreidman share our tried and tested strategies for optimizing your eCommerce paid search.

These 12 tips will drive more traffic to your site and set you up for higher conversions and, of course, profits.

1. Invest Time Into Your Keyword Research

To make sure that your eCommerce store appears on searches, you need to optimize your store and its contents for the keywords your customers likely use. This is where keyword research comes in.

Keyword research enables you to find out what your potential customers type in search of products or services. For instance, if you find out that users type “HVAC services in Austin, TX,” these are among the keywords you need to optimize your content around.

There are many tools available to make your keyword research easy. The ones worth checking out are Google Keyword Planner and SEO tools like SemRush.

2. Write Attention-Grabbing Google PPC Ads

Once you’ve figured out your keywords, you’ll need to use them to create ad copy. Your PPC ad content needs to be attention-grabbing, achieving one of two things.

First, your content should make your potential customers curious. Curious customers will click on your ads to see what you have to offer, and that’s where the magic begins.

If not, your content must be optimized for conversions. What we mean by this is that your content should position your product as the only sensible choice in a marketplace filled with options.

Creating such copy will require some creativity and an awareness of your offering’s USPs. Nevertheless, this is an essential step if you’re looking to reel more customers in with your eCommerce paid search campaign.

3. Add Extra Information About Your Product or Service

Unlike ads on other platforms, Google enables you to make your ads more informative. Hence, don’t skip the opportunity to add more information to your Google PPC ads with the Google Ad Extension feature.

The Ad Extension Feature is a useful tool to make your PPC ads more appealing and informative. With it, you can also add links to various parts of your website, which is excellent if you’re trying to keep your customers clicking.

Ad extensions can even link directly to your landing page, and this brings us to the next tip.

4. Make Your Landing Page Easy to Use

PPC campaigns get customers through the door, but you’ll have to keep them entertained and accommodated with an easy-to-navigate landing page.

When you optimize your landing page, just think of these:

  • Mobile-responsive
  • Easy on the eyes (so don’t clutter your landing page with copy or excessive buttons)
  • Calls to action as buttons

You’ll be amazed at how following these three rules gives you a landing page that attracts, retains, and converts.

5. Time Your Ads Right

Your Google PPC ads don’t need to be on full display 24/7 to drive traffic and sales. Doing this isn’t just inefficient but can also cause you to bleed out dollars in market spend.

Instead, select a time when your customers are likely to look for your services. For instance, if your eCommerce store sells office supplies, you may want to schedule your ads to appear during office hours.

6. Target the Right People

Your eCommerce paid search success also rests on whether or not you’re showing your ads to the right people. By the “right people,” we mean people who are likely to buy what you’re selling.

To find your target audience, you must research your typical customers. Include demographic data in your research like age and gender. A useful place to start would be your regular customers. See what they’re like, look for common qualities, and target customers with these qualities.

There are many tools that can help with customer targeting. If you’re running Google Ads, use Google Ads Audience Manager.

7. Decide How Much You’re Willing To Pay

Paid searches cost money, so you need to decide how much you’re willing to pay each time someone clicks on your ad. This is called your bid.

You need to find the right balance between bidding enough to get your ad seen and not spending too much money. By hitting that sweet spot between strategic ad visibility and ad spending, you’ll maximize your ROI and drive sufficient traffic to your e-commerce store.

8. Use “Negative Keywords” To Avoid Irrelevant Searches

Google paid searches are an effective way of getting clicks, but they also cost a ton. For this reason, you’ll have to make sure that each click counts.

Prevent unnecessary clicks by ensuring that you appear on relevant searches. You can do this by using the “negative keywords” feature and typing in words you don’t want to appear for.

Doing this is key for ad relevance and protects you from wasted ad spend on irrelevant clicks.

9. Pick the Right Spots for Your Ads

When you’re running a Google paid search campaign, your ads can be in different places, like Google search results or on other websites.

With this in mind, You need to choose where you want your ads to appear based on where your target audience is most likely to see them.

10. A/B Test Your Google Ads

Sometimes, finding the right Google PPC ad is a matter of trial and error. Hence, when you’re unsure which ad approach works, test out different ones to see which versions work best.

Once you’ve seen which ads give you the desired results, optimization is the next step. Change wordings, images, media, and content based on your findings.

11. Keep Track of Your eCommerce Store’s Sales

Ultimately, the proof is in the pudding, so when it comes to your Google eCommerce PPC campaigns, you’ll only know if they work based on whether or not they lead to sales.

Tracking your sales enables you to see how many people arrive at your product pages from your paid ads. If the majority of your sales come from people redirected from your Google ads, then you’re on the right track.

12. Keep Improving Your Ads

Like all things in marketing, running Google eCommerce PPC ads is a never-ending optimization game. Running successful paid search campaigns involves creating content, finding what works, and tweaking for improvements ad infinitum.

Keep an eye out for the latest developments in Google’s algorithms and optimize your PPC ads based on them. By doing so, not only will your ads be more visible but because of their visibility they’ll also give you the results you’re after — whether it’s traffic or more sales.

Key Takeaway: Execute. Track. Optimize. Repeat.

The tips we’ve shared here will enable you to be more agile and adaptive with your Google eCommerce PPC ads. Follow our tips, and you’ll be amazed at how much more effective your eCommerce paid search ads will be — even at just a fraction of your usual market spend.

So, go ahead. Execute and optimize your eCommerce PPC ads for greater traffic and conversions — and if you need a team that can help you in your eCommerce paid search campaigns, we’ve got your back.

Contact us at Kreidman and experience greater ad ROI and effectiveness with our eCommerce PPC management service.

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