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How To Use AI for Your Ecommerce Store

artificial intelligence trends May 16, 2024
Using AI in Ecommerce

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more commonplace in ecommerce, it becomes even more important to leverage its capabilities. There are plenty of unexpected uses for this innovation, but most online store owners may not be familiar with it beyond installing a chatbot. At Kreidman, we want to shed light on how to use AI for ecommerce. That way, you can take advantage of the various types of AI for your store, giving you an edge over the competition. Keep reading to learn more about using AI for ecommerce.

Keyword Research

The most important step in search engine optimization (SEO) is keyword research. This process involves finding the relevant phrases to use in your content. These words are “relevant” because they are what your target customer is currently typing into search engines. When you’re able to use these keywords, you’re more likely to rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

AI makes keyword research more efficient and quick. More specifically, machine learning algorithms use advanced data analytics to identify high-potential keywords. Once you have the phrases, you can implement them into your content and see your organic traffic grow. 

We recommend using popular keyword research tools that use AI. Here are a few of them. 

  • Semrush
  • Keyword Tool
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Ahrefs

Finding Ideas for Blog Posts

You should leverage blog posts in your ecommerce website because they help in several ways. Not only do blog posts offer opportunities for incorporating long-tail keywords, but they can also add authority to your website and aid in link building.

Unfortunately, not many of us are familiar with writing content, much less something as lengthy as a blog post. AI comes to the rescue, especially ones focused on natural language processing (NLP). You can ask tools like ChatGPT to provide blog post ideas and outlines. You may even find new topics you won’t find during manual research. To get more specific outlines, you can write prompts that incorporate the keyword you’re currently targeting.

Generating Content

AI won’t just help you create outlines for blog posts. In fact, you can use it to create the body copy and headings of the blog post. Within a few hours of work, you can have a 3,000-word article that’s high-quality, comprehensive, and optimized for specific keywords.

Aside from blog posts, AI can help you generate content for virtually any type of text. From social media posts to emails, from website pages to product descriptions, AI will write the content you need. Of course, you still need to add the human touch. AI still has lots of issues, such as robotic, repetitive, and inaccurate content. Make sure to treat AI as a tool, not a one-all-be-all solution for your content needs.

Product Research 

Ecommerce is a dynamic niche, and trends come and go. If you want to capitalize on the emerging trends to ensure demand for your products, you can use AI for product research. 

Machine learning AI can comb through data from sources like social media, search engines, and other ecommerce websites. Then, the AI can analyze any patterns or emerging trends. With this information, you can pivot your marketing strategy or even create new product lines that will have a sure demand.

Sentiment Analysis

How is your target audience reacting to your new offering? Are they liking it, or are there lots of customers disappointed with the product? Analyzing customer sentiment is an important step for ecommerce companies as it allows you to see what’s working and what’s not. However, this step takes a lot of effort, especially in gathering reviews and feedback from various platforms.

AI can streamline sentiment analysis, using machine learning and NLP capabilities to quickly sift through hundreds of content and find repeating patterns. The report helps e-commerce store owners understand customer preferences and identify areas for improvement.

Ad Targeting

For ad campaigns, AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data collected from various sources. These include:

  • Customer Demographics
  • Browsing Behavior
  • Purchase History
  • Interactions With Your Website or App

You can divide your audience based on their characteristics and behavior patterns found by the AI tool. That way, you can target specific customer segments with tailored ad campaigns.

AI-powered predictive analytics can also forecast which audience segments are most likely to convert or engage with your ads. With AI, you can identify high-value audiences, allowing you to allocate your ad budget more effectively. You’ll be more focused on reaching those who are most likely to generate a positive ROI.

Visual Search for Customers

Visual search is an emerging search tool that uses images instead of words as search queries. Some popular visual search engines are Google Image Search, Bing Images, and Pinterest. Thanks to computer vision AI, these platforms allow people to use images when they can’t describe something with words. 

Incorporating visual search AI into your online store offers ease of use for customers. They’ll also easily find close approximates of the products they want from your inventory. This tool enhances the shopping experience by making searches effortless for customers, especially when they have difficulty describing an item in words.

Wrapping Up: Using AI for Ecommerce

AI is here to stay, so ecommerce owners must understand its capabilities to remain competitive in an increasingly data-driven and dynamic marketplace. From keyword research to content generation, from sentiment analysis to ad targeting, using AI for ecommerce is a remarkable strategy that can streamline various marketing processes.

If you want to learn more about using AI as part of your overall marketing strategy, Kreidman is here to help. Contact us today and let us discuss how to use AI for ecommerce.

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